The University of Oregon
School of Journalism and Communications
This campaign was completed for the University of Oregon’s J448 Advertising Campaigns class.
ASK: Create short term and long term goals to rebrand and reinvent the Fable Franchise.
PROBLEM: There seems to be a lack of transparency and faith in the Fable community surrounding the pending release of the next Fable game.
INSIGHT: There needs to be transparency between brands and fans in order to produce a game that will meet expectations and do well in sales against competitors.
STRATEGY: Transparency and consumer engagement are our most valuable tools to drive game purchases and gain consumer trust.
SOLUTION: In the past decade, we've watched as huge franchises have debuted semi-stable, unsatisfactory sequels (looking at you Assassins Creed: Unity, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Battlefront 2). We've seen the hype die on release, as with No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk: 2077. We believe the key to a successful release is transparency with our audience.
WORK: As the Creative Strategist, I pitched ideas for transparency through social media platforms, as well as the short term and long term goals for the Fable Franchise. We created our unique social strategy in conjunction with the brand strategy.
This campaign was completed for the University of Oregon’s 460 ‘Advertising and Culture’ class.
THE ASK: Reinvent any brand you feel needs a better and bigger voice.
Gateway To Media
Photo/Video Project
This project was completed for the University of Oregon’s J211 Advertising ‘Gateway to Media’ class.
‘Gateway’ is a unique course that integrates critical thinking, creative thinking, and basic skills for nonfiction storytelling while helping you build storytelling skills using words, photos, audio, and video. It is the intensive 12 credit class which admits you into the School of Journalism and Communications.
The work I have displayed here features my roommate, Emily Topping, doing what she loves most- art!
I interviewed University of Oregon student Emily Topping in her natural habitat- painting in the comfort of her own home.
The work I have displayed here are my most prominent projects I completed for my Gateway to Media class at the University of Oregon in the School of Journalism and Communication (SOJC). Gateway is a unique course that integrates critical thinking, creative thinking, and basic skills for nonfiction storytelling while helping you build storytelling skills using words, photos, audio, and video.
This project was completed for the University of Oregon’s J342 Advertising ‘Creative Strategist’ class.
The final project to complete this course was to complete an idea book. How does your creative strategist brain work? What is your creative process? Who are you really!
prompts for each page listed below:
1. My creative process.
2. Explain your and your family’s immigration story in a haiku and an image.
3. A week of my social media usage data.
4. Show your emotional relationship with the University of Oregon.
5. Things were losing from climate change.
6. Illustrate your favorite Super Bowl commercial.
7. Find 3 job postings you want at companies you would like to work for and write them here.
8. Map your daily campus experience.
9. Write and design a brand persona. Explain a brand you respect by crafting a description of how it lives in the world. This could include a playlist, a story, a conversation, or challenges the brand faces.
10. A-Z: List your cultural heroes.
11. An influential social media platform.
12. Who is in your creative hall of fame?
13. Write a love letter to someone.
14. Draw your example of something for which you’ve felt buyer’s remorse.